Artist: Alanis Morissette
Title: Flavors of Entanglement
Genre: Pop, rock
Release Year: 2008
Type: New release
Audio: CD
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Testi di Alanis Morissette
Alanis Morissette sta per tornare sulla scena musicale con un nuovo album 'Flavors of Entanglement'. Dopo alcuni dischi decisamente mediocri, eccola finalmente con un nuovo cd all'altezza del suo esordio 'Jagged Little Pill'. In questo lavoro Alanis risulta più matura, e sembra conoscere con sicurezza la nuova direzione musicale intrapresa, al punto che tutto l'album ne risente in modo positivo.
Alanis è andata in studio e ha messo in musica tutte quelle sensazioni legate al privato, riuscendo così a creare un diverso approccio al songwriting, che questa volta "così come era stato per 'Jagged', pare abbia funzionato al meglio). Lo standard delle 11 tracce, risulta una versatile raccolta di brani pop rock, dove lei incorpora la sua voce nelle chitarre e nei sintetizzatori, cosa abbastanza nuova nel suo sound, ma con interessanti nuovi risultati, come ad esempio su 'Straitjacket' o 'Versions of Violence'.
Il primo singolo già uscito; 'Underneath', è uno dei tanti brani che tocca la sua rottura con Reynolds. La canzone inizia con parole che sottolineano il disaccordo e l'inizio a una separazione. "Look at us break our bonds in this kitchen/ Look at us rallying all our defenses/ Look at us waging war in our bedroom," riflessione introspettiva, prima di aprirsi in un intenso e azzeccato chorus vocale pop. Un album quindi bello e emotivamente sentito, che suona inevitabilmente autobiografico, in quanto solo in questo stato d'animo la Morissette sembra in grado di dare il meglio.
In uscita il (2 giugno 2008)
Track Listings
1. Citizens Of The Planet
2. Underneath
3. Straitjacket
4. Versions of Violence
5. Not As We
6. In Priase of the Vulnerable Man
7. Moratorium
8. Torch
9. Giggling Again For No Reason
10. Tapes
11. Incomplete
Alanis Morissette is about to come back on the scene. After several years of mediocre tunes that didn't chart as well, she's returned to the pissed off heartbroken Alanis we met on Jagged Little Pill. Only this time around she's more mature, knows the musical direction she wants to take and is doing so with her latest release Flavors of Entanglement due out in U.S. stores June 10th, June 2nd internationally, and May 30th in Germany. Many of the songs have been previewed on her recent tour with Matchbox20.
Alanis has roughed it the past year. After being engaged to actor Ryan Reynolds, and amongst other things she's refused to speak of in recent interviews, she's taken that heartache and put it down on paper. Being quoted to have written "in the present instead of retrospect," Alanis went into the studio and wrote what she was feeling at that time, a different approach to songwriting that may have just worked out for the better.
The standard 11 track compilation is a versatile collection. She's incorporated her unique voice against guitar driven licks overdubbed with interesting beats and synths, such as found on "Versions of Violence." The song is a mix of angry guitar rhythms in the chorus with a doubled vocal while the verses use a deep vocal tone against various keyboard sounds. "Versions of Violence" is the modern day angry Alanis and we wouldn't have her any other way.
The first single may slightly touch her breakup with Reynolds. "Underneath" starts with lyrics suggesting a disagreement and a start to a split up. "Look at us break our bonds in this kitchen/ Look at us rallying all our defenses/ Look at us waging war in our bedroom," she starts before crashing into an intense vocal pop chorus.
Testi di Alanis Morissette
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