Artist: Phantom Planet
Title: Raise the Dead
Genre: Rock
Release Year: 2008
Type: New release
Audio: CD
Testi di Phantom Planet
Album nuovo per i Phantom Planet (quelli di California), la canzone tema del telefilm TV The O.C.) che li ha proiettati di colpo alla popolarità internazionale. Così si continua anche in questo Raise the Dead, con la loro combinazione tra pop melodico e indie rock, che tanto aveva caratterizzato il primo fortunato album, e che qui troviamo in brani come Do the Panic, Demon Daughters e Yourself for Somebody Else. Chiara è anche la volontà di cercare un'altra California, ma si sà: nella vita la fortuna ha già bussato una volta alla loro porta, e due ci sembrerebbe davvero troppo!! L'album comunque è bello, le canzoni suonano abbastanza rock per accattivarsi un pubblico abbastanza rock: Raise the Dead e Ship Lost at Sea. Ma allo stesso tempo suona anche pop, Dropped e Leader, così per accaparrarsi anche il più vastissimo pubblico poppettaro, attento solo alle top ten, twenty o forty, ecc.
In uscita il (15 Aprile 2008)
1. Raise the Dead
2. Dropped
3. Leader
4. Do the Panic
5. Quarantine
6. Ship Lost at Sea
7. Demon Daughters
8. Geronimo
9. Too Much Too Often
10. Confess
11. Leave Yourself for Somebody Else
12. I Don't Mind
Phantom Planet discovered the joys of rockin' out on their third, self-titled album, which felt designed to move them as far away from the piano-driven pop of The Guest as they could get. Four years later, they keep the volume turned up on Raise the Dead, also their first album for Fueled by Ramen. Their anthemic, rowdy sound makes a lot more sense on this label than it did on their previous imprints, and Phantom Planet just seem more comfortable all around on Raise the Dead. Their outbursts are more natural here than they were on Phantom Planet, especially on "Raise the Dead," where they feel completely in control of how the song moves from brisk acoustic guitars to a huge swell of strings and guitars. And even if they still don't go near The Guest's wistful ballad territory — "Quarantine" bares its broken heart with an edge, and "I Don't Mind" is more bouncy than brooding — Phantom Planet balance their brash side with their pop roots with a lot more flair. "Do the Panic"'s rough-and-tumble keyboards and guitars end up falling into place perfectly, "Ship Lost at Sea"'s piston-like drums are pushy and cute at the same time, and "Dropped" feels like a more polished sequel to Phantom Planet's "Bad Business." "Leave Yourself for Somebody Else" is Raise the Dead's purest pop moment, a bracing three minutes' worth of hooks, harmonies, and impatient rhythms. As comfortable as the band sounds on Raise the Dead, it isn't perfect: the chorus of children on "Leader" teeters between charming and cloying, and a few of the later songs, including "Demon Daughters" and "Geronimo," cross the line from loud and rambunctious to just plain screechy. Even with a few stumbles, Raise the Dead is among Phantom Planet's most enjoyable albums. by Heather Phares
Testi di Phantom Planet
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