Artist: The Feeling
Title: Join With Us
Genre: Pop rock
Release Year: 2008
Type: New release
Audio: CD
'Join With Us' è il secondo album per questi The Feeling, band di base nel Sussex "England", dopo l'immprovviso e inaspettato successo del debutto 'Twelve Stops And Home'. Abbandonate (anche se in minima in parte) le influenze pop-rock degli anni 70: ELO, Queen, i The Feeling - brillando però di luce propria - sì ripresentano con 12 nuove tracks, più (We Can Dance (come Hidden Track) di un pop-rock frizzante e molto radiofonico, realizzate con cura artigianale espressa in particolare sulle linee vocali, molto incisive e accattivanti. Ne è prova il nuovo singolo 'I ThoughtIt Was Over'.
In uscita per il (18 Feb 2008)
('Join With Us' is the second album by Sussex based group The Feeling. Picking up where debut 'Twelve Stops And Home' left off, the band take their blend of 70s influenced soft rock and pop to subtle new heights. Recalling ELO, Queen and Yes, this is a carefully crafted record packed with sing-alonghits and memorable melodies. Features the single 'I ThoughtIt Was Over'.)
Track Listings
1. I Thought It Was Over
2. Without You
3. Join With Us
4. Spare Me
5. Turn It Up
6. I Did It For Everyone
7. Won't Go Away
8. Loneliness
9. Connor
10. This Time
11. Don't Make Me Sad
12. The Greatest Show On Earth
13. We Can Dance (Hidden Track)
Testi di The Feeling
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